Protein: Hemoglobin
Blood vessels, as can be seen faintly in this picture, contain red blood cells which have the protein hemoglobin inside.
Location: 6 Sandra Pond Road, Westborough MA
Class of Protein: Structural
Class of Protein: Storage
Class of Protein: Contractile/Motor
Class of Protein: Enzymatic
Protein: Silk Fibers
Spiders create their webs from silk fibers, a strong structural protein.
Location: 6 Sandra Pond Road, Westborough MA
Protein: Ovalbumin
Ovalbumin is the protein in egg whites that help the chicken embryos to grow and develop.
Location: 6 Sandra Pond Road, Westborough MA
Protein: Myosin, Actin, Troponin, etc
Most animals have the same muscle proteins as humans, and therefore meat, like this beef, contains many contractile proteins. Myosin alone makes up more than half the protein.
Location: 6 Sandra Pond Road, Westborough MA
Protein: Amylase
Amylase, an enzyme that breaks down large carbohydrates, is found in the saliva and mouth of a human.
Location: My mouth, 6 Sandra Pond Road, Westborough MA
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