Friday, August 26, 2011

Different classes of proteins

Ovalbumin (Storage Protein)
Turdus migratorius
Display case at Purgatory Chasm
198 Purgatory Road, Sutton, MA

Contractile and Motor proteins
Lasius niger
5 Valleybrook rd, Westborough, MA

Spider silk (Structural Protein)
Web of
Agelenopsis actuosa
1 Valleybrook rd, Westborough, MA

Receptor Proteins (Throughout body ie. on antennules and antennae)
Armadillidium vulgare
5 Valleybrook rd, Westborough, MA
Hemoglobin, Oxygen carrying component of blood (Transport Protein)
Homo sapiens
5 Valleybrook rd, Westborough, MA

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