Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Different Types of Carbohydrates

Potatoes store sugar as starch. The starch in potatoes is both amylose, an unbranched polysaccharide, and amylopectin, a branched type.
Location: 6 Sandra Pond Road, Westborough MA
This dragonfly, or Libellula incesta has an exoskeleton made from the carbohydrate chitin. Dragonflies are arthropods and chitin is in all arthropods' hard outer coat.
Location: Lake Chauncy Boat Launch, Oak Street, Westborough, MA

Milk contains lactose, a disaccharide which consists of glucose and galactose.
Location: 6 Sandra Pond Road, Westborough MA
Honey contains fructose, the monosaccharide found in most plants.
Location: 6 Sandra Pond Road, Westborough MA

These flowers contain the polysaccharide cellulose. Cellulose is the fiber which makes up the cell walls of all plant cells.
Species: Geranium grandiflorum
Location: 94 Trevor Road, Brewster, Cape Cod MA

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