Thursday, June 23, 2011

Organisms on Different Levels of the Same Food Chain

Turdus migratorius (American Robin), 8 Sawmill Drive, Westborough, MA

Lumbricus terrestris (Earthworm), 8 Sawmill Drive, Westborough, MA


  1. So Kelsie, just to be clear, in order to finish this category, you've got to find something that eats a robin (3rd level), something that eats the thing that eats a robin (4th level), and the thing that eats the thing that eats the thing that eats a robin.

  2. Is it required to completely finish this category, or does the progressive points count for just the two I posted?

  3. Its not required, its just that the NEXT picture is 6 points, then 8, and the fifth picture is 10 points (if posted by 7/1)
