Thursday, June 30, 2011


This grassland is found in Africa.

This is a temperate deciduous forest, with many different types of trees, plants, and organisms. It has vertical stratification of the plants and animas and the soil is rich due to leaves decomposing. This is a picture of woodland found just around Hocomonco Pond in Westborough, MA.

This is a picture of desert found just outside of Las Vegas, Nevada.

This is a picture of a marine or a salt water biome. It is most likely the beginning of the pelagic zone of this ocean and the end of the intertidal zone. It does not look like the typical intertidal scene with a beach, but it is not very far from land, and may just be the end of a submerged intertidal zone. This picture was taken at Plymouth, Ma.

Fresh Water
This picture was taken at Hocomonco Pond in Westborough, MA and is a freshwater environment. It is a forest pond because it is not very large and it has limited diversity because it is not connected to any other bodies of water. The top of this pond, the part that is visible, is the littoral zone.


  1. Anna, the terms "forest", "marine" and "freshwater" are too broad. What type of forest, which zone of marine and which zone of freshwater?
    You can fix these as you only needed to make them more specific for the double credit...

  2. Oh, please post a comment here after you've fixed it so I come regrade them...

  3. Thank you so much for allowing me to fix the descriptions! I was more specific and posted them in the little descriptions under each picture. I really appreciate it! Thanks again!
