Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Different Kingdoms

Yellow primrose- Calylophus hartweggii
Kingdom Plantae

18 Cook Street, Westborough, MA

Frilled anemone- Metridium senile
Kingdom Animalia
1 Central Wharf, Boston, MA

Scarlet Cup- Sarcoscypha austriaca
Kingdom Fungi
Boxford, MA (42.67 N, 70.99 W)

Picture found at:

Knotted Wrack-Ascophyllum nodosum
Kingdom Protista
Rockport, MA (42.65 N, 70.62 W)

Photo found at:

Tularemia-Francisella tularensis
Kingdom Bacteria

The Tularemia bacterium is indigenous to Eastern Massachusetts and other parts of the United States. It is passed through ticks, contact with infected animal carcasses, and contaminated water.

Photo found at:
Photo taken at: 1600 Clifton Rd, Atlanta, GA

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