Monday, June 27, 2011

Different Animal Phyla

American Clam Shrimp: Limnadia lenticularis
Phylum Arthropoda
Native to Massachusetts.
Picture taken from

Spongilla lacustris
Phylum Porifera
Found in freshwater across North America.
Picture taken from

Feral pigeon: Columba livia domestica
Phylum Chordata
Boston Common, Boston, MA
Found in many major cities.

Egg yolk jelly:Phacellophora camtschatica-Phylum Coelenterata

1 Central Wharf, Boston, MA

Found along the Atlantic coast.

Leidy's Comb Jelly: Mniopsis leidyi

Phylum Ctenophora

1 Central Wharf, Boston, MA

Found in temperate to subtropical estuaries along the Atlantic coast of North America.

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