Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Different Carbohydrates

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus)-Contains Cellulose-Polysaccharide

Paneer (Indian Cheese)-Contains Galactose-Monosaccharide

Almonds (Prunus dulcis)-Contains Lignin (Indigestible Carbohydrate)-Fiber

Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum)-Contains Starch

Cottage Cheese (Contains Lactose)-Disaccharide

All pictures were taken at 11 Arrowhead Lane, Westborough, MA


  1. A few things;
    1. honey is a disaccharide and does not contain glucose (which is a monosaccharide)
    2. fiber is a generic name like cat. There are lots of types and I need a more specific name.
    3. to my understanding, mangoes are plants and only animals have glycogen.
    So, it appears that only the lactose and starch are acceptable thus far.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. *Please let me know if the changes I made are acceptable

  4. You are now up to +4 but dietary fiber is still not specific. The honey was acceptable as a carbohydrate, it just needed a correct name!

  5. Would be the change I've recently made be fine, or I am I still missing something.

  6. Fiber = indigestible carbohydrate You are only adding adjectives which are redundant. But this is a generalized name. I can not look up in a book the term dietary fiber and obtain its structure. I should be able to do that from the name you provide.

  7. Ah, I understand, sorry. Should I then pick a different picture to identify a different type of carbohydrate, because I feel that I shouldn't get credit for the picture since you've told me specifically what I should've put.

  8. You think I gave you the answer? I don't think so. All I've done is tell you the criteria for this category.

  9. Oh, ok, sorry for misinterpreting what you said. I will make the edit to the picture.
